What is Dynamic Zone Visibility
Dynamic Zone Visibility in Tableau is a feature that allows you to show or hide dashboard elements (zones) based on the value of a field or parameter, creating interactive and adaptable dashboards. It’s a tool that enables you to control the visibility of zones (which can be individual sheets, containers, or even images) on a dashboard.
A Parameter Action is required to operate the visibility of the dashboard.
How to Implement
First create the different Worksheets you want to view on the dashboard.
- To control the dashboard, create a Parameter Action.
o To create a Parameter Action click the dropdown under Data.
o Add the Name, Data type = Sting, Allowable Values = List.
o Add a list value for each Worksheet
o Click OK
o Right click on the Parameter, select Show Parameter
Next create Boolean Calculated Fields to select True/False.
o Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field
o Input Field Name
o Enter Formula > Name of Parameter = “Parameter Value” (this the name in the Parameter Action and is case sensitive)
o Create a Boolean Calculated Field for each Worksheet.
Now create your Tableau Dashboard
o New Dashboard, add a Vertical Container
o Add the first Worksheet to your dashboard container.
o Click the correct Parameter from the dropdown for that Worksheet.
o Click on the Worksheet on dashboard to have it selected; click Layout > Control Visibility using value > select the correct value to make it True.
o Select any legends that’s also on the dashboard and make True.
o Next add second Worksheet to the same Vertical Container.
o Select the correct Parameter for the added Worksheet (the first worksheet should disappear)
o Set the visibility; repeat these steps for all added worksheets
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